Benchmarking & Target Setting​


Benchmarking & Target Setting​


Portfolio Manager Energy Use Calendar

Benchmarking is the practice of comparing the measured performance of a building to itself, its peers, or established norms. It is a crucial first step in informing and motivating performance improvements.

Benchmarking is used for a performance gap analysis and feasibility study for building optimization and retrofits. It is also used to obtain an EnergyStar certification as many jurisdictions have mandatory ordinances that require buildings to benchmark and report their energy performance. Benchmarking is also applied to water usage, indoor air quality, operations cost, and other building performance metrics.

Washington, DC’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS): For privately owned buildings greater than 25,000 square feet in Washington, D.C., 2023 building energy benchmarking data must be third-party verified. Benchmarking data verification is essential to fulfilling Washington, D.C.’s goals of promoting sustainable behaviors and enhancing building energy performance and is a key element of the City’s BEPS. An Approved District Data Verifier (ADDV) must be hired by property owners and must complete benchmarking verification by April 1, 2024. As an ADDV, Baumann Consulting can provide third-party benchmarking data verification for your property.

Interested in receiving a quote for your property’s third-party verification?

Request your benchmarking quote! 

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Meet Scott Emery,Baumann's Benchmarking & Target Setting​ Expert
SVP, Director of Existing Building Decarbonization