TaunusTurm is a combination of a 40-story office tower and a 19-story residential tower located in the heart of the Frankfurt banking district. Easy to reach by private or public transport, TaunusTurm will provide access to the city’s abundant shopping, dining, and entertainment options.
Baumann performed the energy modeling to support the design team in the optimization of the highly complex HVAC system. The project achieved an energy cost reduction of over 31% compared to the ASHRAE 90.1 – 2007. Key elements of the design are:
- High-performance glazing
- High-efficiency LED lighting with occupancy and daylight sensors
- Dedicated outdoor air units with high-efficiency heat recovery systems
- Chilled and heated ceiling panels
- 2 absorption chillers and 2 turbo screw-type chillers with high part-load efficiency
- Sprinkler tanks for thermal storage
- Highly complex controls
The Measurement & Verification process led by Baumann was essential to ensure this complex design is utilizing its full potential.
All of Baumann’s services contributed to the ambitious certification goal of LEED Platinum for TaunusTurm.