Roosevelt High School is located in Washington, D.C., and has sections for arts, academics, and athletics. Baumann Consulting was selected to carry out the energy modeling, including an envelope study, and documentation of the results.
The overall goal was to transform the school into an iconic 21st-century world-class academic facility while respecting the existing historic character and integrity.
The mechanical systems, including ground source, variable refrigerant flow heat pumps, and dedicated outdoor air rooftop units, were simulated in EnergyPlus and compared against ASHRAE 90.1-2007 and ASHRAE 189.1-2011 in order to contribute towards earning points for the project’s LEED certification and confirm compliance with IgCC 2012.
The following key energy efficiency measures were considered in the design case energy model, leading to 36% energy cost savings over the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 baseline:
- Ground-coupled VRF/GSHP system for individual room conditioning and cross-zone heat recovery
- Dedicated outdoor air ventilation with heat recovery systems
- Vertical ground source heat exchanger wells as cooling and heating resource
- Solar thermal domestic hot water system
- Photovoltaic panels
- Efficient lighting
In addition to the complexity of the systems involved, the project had a very tight timeline for the energy model and Baumann was able to meet those requirements.