
At Baumann, we believe that knowledge-sharing and community engagement are paramount to advancing high-performance buildings. We are committed to giving back to the communities where we live and work by partaking in educational and volunteering opportunities and participating as subject matter experts at leading industry conferences and events.

Oliver Baumann receives Building Commissioning Association Award


We leverage our knowledge and expertise from leadership roles as board members of leading industry organizations including the Building Commissioning Association (BCxA), Passive House Alliance U.S. (PHAUS), the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), SustainUS, among others. Our staff also has provided pro-bono consulting services to a variety of deserving causes. This includes performing home energy assessments for low-income families throughout Washington, D.C., providing energy benchmarking support for the Chicago Housing Authority’s affordable senior housing portfolio during the pilot of USGBC’s new skill-based volunteer program ADVANCE, and more!

Green Apple Day Volunteering


We give back to our communities by donating our time and resources to support a variety of local organizations and events, including the Chicago Architecture Foundation’s Engineering Fest, the Greenbuilt Home Tour, The Cargo Human Care Run, A Wider Circle Volunteering Event, Capital Area Food Bank, and Green Apple Day of Service, to name a few. We also sponsor industry events and make charitable donations when possible. Since 2019, Baumann has opted to send holiday e-cards instead of mailing physical cards for the past years to reduce our carbon footprint. This has afforded us the opportunity to make charitable donations to non-profit organizations with the money saved on postage and physical cards.

Commissioning Alloy Presentation Session


Our team of engineers, planners, and consultants has extensive experience sharing best-practice and subject matter expertise at leading industry conferences and symposia. We welcome opportunities to share our transatlantic expertise and engage in meaningful dialogue with our partners and peers. At the same time, speaking engagements allow our staff to sharpen their presentation skills, motivates them to further enhance their knowledge, and become established professionals in the industry. For information about our upcoming events, please visit the Events page.

One of our core values at Baumann is community engagement and knowledge exchange. Our team has always been generous in volunteering their talents and time. Through conference participation, leadership roles in industry groups, charity events, and teaching we are actively involved in supporting the needs of our communities.
— Oliver Baumann
President, Baumann Consulting